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st: tabstatmat repeatedly

From   "Camelia Minoiu" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: tabstatmat repeatedly
Date   Fri, 24 Sep 2004 13:14:53 -0400

I would like to obtain summary statistics (by another variable) for a list
of 100 variables, and then save all of these in one big matrix, and
preferably have this exported into a text file.

I have been following the discussion surrounding -tabstatmat-as well as that
regarding the command - mat2txt-  (Feb 2004)  but running mat2txt on my
computer gives me the error message: "version 8.2 not supported" (I use
Stata 8) and with tabstatmat I don't know if I can do this repeatedly. For
example, writing a tiny program such as the one below does not seem to work:

foreach X of varist v1-v100 {
    quietly tabstat `X', statistics(mean, sd) by(category_`X') save
    tabstatmat mat`X'
    svmat mat`X'
    keep mat`X'*
    dropmiss, obs
    outsheet using c:\data\matrix.txt

Do you happen to know what I can do so that all the results from each
tabstat on each variable are appended together in one big matrix?

Thank you in anticipation.

Camelia Minoiu
PhD Student
Department of Economics, Columbia University

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