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st: Why does the ci option affect what -svytab- stores in e(b)?

From   "Emma Slaymaker" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Why does the ci option affect what -svytab- stores in e(b)?
Date   Fri, 17 Sep 2004 15:59:48 +0100


I am extracting the estimation results returned by -svytab- and find
that without the -ci- option the command puts the cell proportions into
both e(b) and the cell proportions matrix e(Prop) ,  regardless of the
options (-row- -col- -percent-) which control how the results are
displayed on the screen. 

However, when the -ci- option is specified then e(b) contains row
percentages, or whatever is specified using those options.  Now that
makes perfect sense to me, so why does e(b) ignore the -row- and
-percent- options when -ci- is not specified?  Given that the
proportions are already stored in e(Prop) it seems unnecessary for e(b)
to store these and not whatever is displayed on screen.  

Why does it do this?

You may well ask "Why do I care?".  The answer is that I am repeating
many -svytab- commands on large datasets and extracting these results.
I'm assuming (perhaps wrongly) that adding the -ci- option slows down
the command and it doesn't help me because, as stata doesn't store the
CI, I have to calculate them after the command in order to export them.

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