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st: Re: saving simulation results (was: Any capability)

From   Gary Longton <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: saving simulation results (was: Any capability)
Date   Fri, 10 Sep 2004 10:46:20 -0700

victor michael zammit wrote:

Dear Statalist,
given a  do-file ,such as the one that follows , is there any capability to
save  the valid  variables before the program gets to  the next  < set obs
`1' > ,and thus be able to find the relevant variables again after the
program is through ?
Victor included code for a program which saved the mean and sd from 1000 simulated samples, sample size given as an argument, drawn from ~N(mu=50,sigma=10).

Though it is not clear what you mean by "valid variables", I'm guessing that you want to save a file with the *results* for each set of simulations rather than variables generated for the actual samples.

See the -postfile- commands ([P]postfile) for an easy way to write results from each simulation to a file. This should speed things up substantially in addition to making for a tidier solution; you will not need to save and merge results from each simulation.

Though I prefer to use the -postfile- commands, see [R]simulate for an even easier and higher-level solution.

Here's a re-write which uses the -postfile- command to save results in the specified result file, and includes arguments for the sample size (as before), number of simulations, Normal distn parameters, and the result file name.

cap pro drop meansd
pro def meansd
version 8.2
args nobs nsim mu sigma resfile
set obs `nobs'

tempname pfile
postfile `pfile' mean sd simno using `resfile', replace

qui gen x = .
forvalues i = 1/`nsim' {
qui replace x = `mu' + `sigma'*invnorm(uniform())
qui sum x
post `pfile' (r(mean)) (r(sd)) (`i')
postclose `pfile'

meansd 100 1000 50 10 result1
meansd 200 1000 50 10 result2
meansd 300 1000 50 10 result3
meansd 400 1000 50 10 result4

use result1, clear
l if mean>49.9 & mean<50.1 & sd>9.9 & sd<10.1

Alternatively, a solution using -simul-:

cap pro drop meansd
pro def meansd, rclass
version 8.2
args nobs mu sigma
drop _all
set obs `nobs'
gen x = `mu' + `sigma'*invnorm(uniform())
sum x
return scalar mean = r(mean)
return scalar sd = r(sd)

simul "meansd 100 50 10" mean=r(mean) sd=r(sd), reps(1000) saving(result1) replace

simul "meansd 200 50 10" mean=r(mean) sd=r(sd), reps(1000) saving(result2) replace

simul "meansd 300 50 10" mean=r(mean) sd=r(sd), reps(1000) saving(result3) replace

simul "meansd 400 50 10" mean=r(mean) sd=r(sd), reps(1000) saving(result4) replace

forvalues i = 1/4 {
use result`i', clear
l if mean>49.9 & mean<50.1 & sd>9.9 & sd<10.1

- Gary

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