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st: Re: Any capability

From   "victor michael zammit" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Any capability
Date   Fri, 10 Sep 2004 15:54:42 +0200

Dear Statalist,
given a  do-file ,such as the one that follows , is there any capability to
save  the valid  variables before the program gets to  the next  < set obs
`1' > ,and thus be able to find the relevant variables again after the
program is through ?

. capture program drop meansd

. program define meansd
1. quietly {
2. set more off
3. local i = 1
4. while `i'<= 1000   {
5. clear
6. set obs `1'
7. gen a`i' = 50+10*invnorm(uniform())
8. save a`i',replace
9. summ
10. set obs 1000
. gen mean = .
12. gen sd    = .
13. gen i = .
14. replace mean = r(mean) in `i'
15. replace sd = r(sd) in `i'
16. replace i = `i' in `i'
17. keep mean sd i
18. keep in `i'
19. sort i
20. save i`i',replace
21. local i = `i'+1
22. }
23. use i1,clear
24. local i = 1
25. while `i'<= 1000   {
26. merge i using i`i'
27. drop _merge
28. sort i
29. local i = `i'+1
30. }
31. }
32. keep if mean>49.9 & mean<50.1 & sd>9.9& sd<10.1
33. list
34. end

. meansd 100
(995 observations deleted)

mean         sd     i
1.  49.92186   10.07411     2
2.  50.06145   9.908244    88
3.  49.94671   10.08397   109
4.   50.0706   9.960301   215
5.  50.01047     9.9222   722

. meansd 200
(984 observations deleted)

mean         sd     i
1.  49.96996   9.978514    76
2.  49.92636   10.07861   118
3.  49.97271   10.07149   122
4.  50.07562   10.07239   218
5.  49.94316   9.913686   220
6.  50.02873   10.05811   346
7.  50.01596   10.04384   442
8.  50.00026   9.943673   513
9.  49.91186    9.95947   533
10.  50.00311   10.00525   629
11.  50.09705   9.929688   653
12.  49.98079   10.04592   678
13.  49.93727   9.962771   686
14.  49.98563   10.07247   694
15.  50.08827   9.936735   833
16.  49.97584   10.05994   854

. meansd 300
(977 observations deleted)

mean         sd     i
1.  50.02181   9.933003    66
2.  49.90105   10.02149    94
3.  49.91893   9.919211   124
4.  50.04763   9.961384   138
5.    50.097   10.07813   206
6.  50.05898   9.987234   259
7.  50.03423   9.955764   274
8.  49.90948   10.01387   304
9.  49.94732   9.985778   335
10.  49.90786   10.08386   338
11.   50.0072    9.95091   399
12.  49.93724   10.00748   426
13.  49.95889   10.09958   470
14.   50.0049   9.944254   488
15.  49.92678   10.05883   499
16.  50.00874   10.00746   500
17.  50.00669   9.937348   531
18.  50.07028   9.987976   532
19.  49.96707   10.06919   623
20.  50.06363    10.0947   757
21.  50.06802   10.03914   778
22.  50.07304   9.979012   830
23.  49.99155   9.969816   839

. meansd 400

 Thank you before hand,
Victor Michael Zammit

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