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st: -reorder- on SSC

From   Nick Cox <>
Subject   st: -reorder- on SSC
Date   Mon, 30 Aug 2004 16:15:06 -0500

Thanks to Kit Baum, a little utility -reorder- is now on SSC.

This is in answer to a question asked by Susan Hailpern
at the Boston users' meeting last week.

-reorder- changes the order of the variables in the current dataset.
-reorder- used in this way resembles -order-, except that the varlist
specified is saved in a characteristic. -reorder, previous- changes
the order of the variables to the order previously
set with -reorder-. This applies not only in the current session, but
also in subsequent sessions - so long as the dataset, including the
characteristic, is saved using -save, replace-.


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