Agnes Nocon wrote...
> I'm using Stata version 8.2, which changed a lot from version 7 to 8.
> I want to compare one-dimensional frequency plots just like they were
> possible with Stata 7. The correct command for this would be
> graph7 var1 var2 var3, oneway.
> However, this graph7 command is very fixed, and one cannot add axes or
> display the categories on the y-axis. Did Stata delete this command or
> is it hidden in some other? Does anybody have an idea how to draw the
> graph I need with an x-axis (metric variable) and an y-axis displaying
> the categories? (horizontal box-plots don't help, because they do not
> show the individual values)
You might want to have a look at Nick Cox's Stata8 version of oneway...
. ssc describe onewayplot
. ssc install onewayplot [, replace]
Which should give you all the flexibility you need (although you may need to get
accustomed to the new syntax, so a copy of the [G] manual would be usfeul).
You may also find the Stata Library - Graph Examples at UCLA useful in learning the
new graphics commands (see
Neil Shephard
Genetics Statistician
ARC Epidemiology Unit, University of Manchester
"If your result needs a statistician then you should design a better experiment" -
Ernest Rutherford
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