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st: graph oneway

From   Agnes Nocon <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: graph oneway
Date   Mon, 16 Aug 2004 14:49:51 +0200

Dear all,

I'm using Stata version 8.2, which changed a lot from version 7 to 8. I want to compare one-dimensional frequency plots just like they were possible with Stata 7. The correct command for this would be

graph7 var1 var2 var3, oneway.

However, this graph7 command is very fixed, and one cannot add axes or display the categories on the y-axis. Did Stata delete this command or is it hidden in some other? Does anybody have an idea how to draw the graph I need with an x-axis (metric variable) and an y-axis displaying the categories? (horizontal box-plots don't help, because they do not show the individual values)

Thanks a lot!! Agnes

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