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Re: st: linux vs windows for Stata (not Stata related anymore)

From   Henrik Stovring <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: linux vs windows for Stata (not Stata related anymore)
Date   Fri, 30 Jul 2004 13:32:14 +0200

Briefly, the bits mentioned concerns bandwidth in the internal cpu. Ordinary Intel Pentium PC's are 32 bit machines, the old Intel 286 was 16 bit, and generally a doubling of cpu bandwidth has very beneficial effects on the number crunching ability of a computer, which in turns means a lot to applications like Stata.

Redhat linux does come in 64 bit versions (cf as does some free linux distributions (fedora). As far as I know Microsoft has released 64 bit beta version of XP, but apparently no official release is likely to appear any time soon.

If you want to run 64 bit Stata you need to tell Stata Corp this, so that you get an appropriate license.



Guillaume Frechette wrote:

One potential advantage of a GNU/linux version of Stata over Windows is that there is
already a 64-bit version of Stata for Linux already available whilst there is no such
version available for windows...yet (this is of course only relevant if the remote
computer is running a 64-bit operating system).

Thanks Henrik, Neil, and Sam. I must confess ignorance about 64 (or any) bit operating systems however? Does Redhat linux and Windows XP or 2000 run in 64 bits? Do you need to specify the number of bits of your OS when you buy Stata if you want to use the 64-bit?

Thanks again.


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Henrik Støvring, PhD

Research Unit of General Practice
University of Southern Denmark Winsløwparken 19, 3
DK-5000 Odense C
Phone: (+45) 6550 3692
Fax: (+45) 6591 8296 email: [email protected]

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