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Re: st: linux vs windows for Stata

From   Henrik Stovring <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: linux vs windows for Stata
Date   Fri, 30 Jul 2004 11:09:58 +0200

Not being a Windows user myself, and neither using MS Word - I am a Linux/Latex die-hard fan - I must admit that I do not have personal experiences with problems of not having wmf/emf format for import of graphs in Word. I am, however, responsible for a recent transition from Windows Stata to Linux Stata in my department, so if anyone knows what alternative formats one should use for inclusion of graphs in MS Word, I would love to hear about them, since in my department many rely on MS Word for typing their papers. I am told that using jpg will not allow editing of the graph from within Word, and further since it is not vector-based, it doesn't scale that well(?).

So summing up: If anyone has first hand experience with importing graphs from Linux/Unix Stata into MS Word please share them with me (and the remaining Stata community...).



SamL wrote:

Henrik Stovring indicates that it is impossible to export graphics files
in wmf/emf format in the linux version of stata. I am assuming one reason
to want to do that is to insert a graphics file into a word processed
document. There may be other reasons as well.

Given my assumption, though, it is important to point out that with the
linux version of stata one can export files in the eps format, and there
is a linux (unix?) program called convert that I use to convert many
different types of graphics files from one format to another.
Specifically, it can convert eps files to jpg files which can be inserted
into some (many? all?) word processing (editing?) programs. So, if the
reason to have wmf/emf format is to insert into an editor, the ability to
insert into an editor does not require obtaining a windows version of

Here is a list of some of the file types it can convert (r means it can
read the format, w means it can write the format, + means it can use
multi-images, apologies for any errors (mostly of omission)):

o APP1 *rw- Photoshop resource format
o ART *r-- PF1: 1st Publisher
o AVI *r-- Audio/Visual Interleaved
o AVS *rw+ AVS X image
o BIE *rw- Joint Bi-level Image experts Group
interchange format
o BMP *rw+ Microsoft Windows bitmap image
o DCM *r-- Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine image
o DCX *rw+ ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush
o DIB *rw+ Microsoft Windows bitmap image
o DPS *r-- Display Postscript
o DPX *r-- Digital Moving Picture Exchange
o EPDF *rw- Encapsulated Portable Document Format
o EPI *rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
Interchange format
o EPS *rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
o EPS2 *-w- Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript
o EPS3 *-w- Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript
o EPSF *rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
o EPSI *rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
Interchange format
o EPT *rw- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript with TIFF
o FAX *rw+ Group 3 FAX
o FITS *rw- Flexible Image Transport System
o FPX *rw- FlashPix Format
o G3 *rw- Group 3 FAX
o GIF *rw+ CompuServe graphics interchange format
o GIF87 *rw- CompuServe graphics interchange format
(version 87a)
o HDF -rw+ Hierarchical Data Format
o HTM *-w- Hypertext Markup Language and a
client-side image map
o HTML *-w- Hypertext Markup Language and a
client-side image map
o ICB *rw+ Truevision Targa image
o IPTC *rw- IPTC Newsphoto
o JBG *rw+ Joint Bi-level Image experts Group
interchange format
o JBIG *rw+ Joint Bi-level Image experts Group
interchange format
o JP2 *rw- JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format Syntax
o JPC *rw- JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
o JPEG *rw- Joint Photographic Experts Group
JFIF format
o JPG *rw- Joint Photographic Experts Group
o M2V *rw+ MPEG-2 Video Stream
o MAT *-w+ MATLAB image format
o MATTE *-w+ MATTE format
o MIFF *rw+ Magick image format
o MNG *rw+ Multiple-image Network Graphics
o MPC -rw- Magick Persistent Cache image format
o MPEG *rw+ MPEG-1 Video Stream
o MPG *rw+ MPEG-1 Video Stream
o MTV *rw+ MTV Raytracing image format
o MVG *rw- Magick Vector Graphics
o PALM *rw- Palm Pixmap format
o PBM *rw+ Portable bitmap format (black and
o PCT *rw- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
o PCX *rw- ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush
o PDB *r-- Pilot Image Format
o PDF *rw+ Portable Document Format
o PGM *rw+ Portable graymap format (gray scale)
o PICT *rw- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
o PIX *r-- Alias/Wavefront RLE image format
o PNG *rw- Portable Network Graphics
o PNM *rw+ Portable anymap
o PPM *rw+ Portable pixmap format (color)
o PS *rw+ Adobe PostScript
o PS2 *-w+ Adobe Level II PostScript
o PS3 *-w+ Adobe Level III PostScript
o PSD *rw- Adobe Photoshop bitmap
o PTIF *rw- Pyramid encoded TIFF
o PWP *r-- Seattle Film Works
o RAS *rw+ SUN Rasterfile
o RLA *r-- Alias/Wavefront image
o RLE *r-- Utah Run length encoded image
o ROSE *rw- 70x46 Truecolor test image
o SFW *r-- Seattle Film Works
o SGI *rw+ Irix RGB image
o SHTML *-w- Hypertext Markup Language and a
client-side image map
o STEGANO *r-- Steganographic image
o SUN *rw+ SUN Rasterfile
o SVG *rw+ Scalable Vector Gaphics
o TEXT *rw+ Raw text
o TGA *rw+ Truevision Targa image
o TIF *rw+ Tagged Image File Format
o TIFF *rw+ Tagged Image File Format
o TILE *r-- Tile image with a texture
o TIM *r-- PSX TIM
o TXT *rw+ Raw text
o VDA *rw+ Truevision Targa image
o VICAR *rw- VICAR rasterfile format
o VIFF *rw+ Khoros Visualization image
o VST *rw+ Truevision Targa image
o WBMP *rw- Wireless Bitmap (level 0) image
o WMF *r-- Windows Metafile
o WPG *r-- Word Perfect Graphics
o X *rw- X Image

Hope this helps.

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Henrik Stovring wrote:

We are currently running Stata on Linux at my department with Windows
access through ssh using the X-Windows application in Cygwin
( It allows you to do the things you asked for (remember
to enable compression, though, for decent response times even on fast
networks). The only drawback, I am aware of, is the lacking export of
graphs in wmf/emf format in the linux version of Stata. The advantage,
however, is that you can run 64-bit stata on a relatively cheap AMD-64
PC, which is *very* fast in my experience.

Please feel free to contact me for further details.



Guillaume Frechette wrote:

Dear Statalisters: I have to buy a new Stata and I hesitate between
buying one to run on linux or windows. The last time I used Stata on
Unix (that was many years ago), the thing I missed was the ability to
see graphs immediately and to browse through the data in the data
viewer. Can you now do those things in the linux version (when
accessed remotely from a pc running windows)?

Any other point of view, comments or opinion comparing the two are

Thanks in advance.


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Henrik St�vring, PhD

Research Unit of General Practice
University of Southern Denmark
Winsl�wparken 19, 3
DK-5000 Odense C
Phone: (+45) 6550 3692
Fax: (+45) 6591 8296
email: [email protected]

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Henrik St�vring, PhD

Research Unit of General Practice
University of Southern Denmark Winsl�wparken 19, 3
DK-5000 Odense C
Phone: (+45) 6550 3692
Fax: (+45) 6591 8296 email: [email protected]

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