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st: does anyone have info on a Statalistserv for beginners?

From   Suzy <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: does anyone have info on a Statalistserv for beginners?
Date   Thu, 29 Jul 2004 11:00:19 -0400

I am a recent Stata listserv user, a beginner (self-trained convert from SPSS) Stata user, and a nonstatistician. I do think that this listserv is a bit more "friendly" for more advanced Stata users who also have expertise in statistics and programming. I have asked a few questions - of which one has received a reply. I've asked these questions after using the help and search commands, and looking on-line - Stata faq, and other websites. I guess what I'd like to say is that everything is relative. My questions - compared to the majority of questions would be considered basic and probably inappropriate for this forum. On the other hand, I have enough knowledge of Stata to help those just starting out. I think maybe there should be more explicit information on the target audience this listserv supports.

I have recently heard of a European Stata listserv for beginner Stata users. I'm wondering if anyone has information that they can pass along to those of us who do consider ourselves beginners and would like a place that the 'basic' Stata question can be asked and answered without too much angst.

I'm happy to use Stata - a true convert, I'm happy to receive e-mail from this Statalist, and I immensely respect those of you who take so much of your time and effort to help with the majority of questions that are asked.

If someone does know of the beginner Stata listserv, please pass it along.

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