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Re: st: time-series update available

From   [email protected] (Alan Riley)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: time-series update available
Date   Mon, 26 Jul 2004 16:44:26 -0500

Michael S. Hanson ([email protected]) asked a followup question
about Stata checksum files:
> Thanks.  For future reference, now that the executable is in a .tgz 
> format, is the -checksum- setting superfluous in Mac OS X?

The -checksum- setting is most likely almost always superfluous when
it comes to a file being downloaded over the web by Stata.  In fact,
we have never once heard of a file being corrupted while Stata was in
the process of downloading it.

Stata is always very careful to never download a partial file and then
try to use it.  It always pulls down the complete file to a temporary
location before continuing.

I find checksums to be most useful to verify that when I think
I have the exact same file in two different locations, I really do.
Also, they are useful to verify that nothing has happened to an
important dataset or other file that you have left sitting somewhere
for a period of time.

Most people run Stata with -set checksum off-.  I would only recommend
turning it on if you have reason to believe that your network connection
is causing you to download corrupt files, something we have never
heard of from a user when Stata is the program downloading the file.

([email protected])
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