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st: missing output for xttobit

From   "Moliterno, Thomas" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: missing output for xttobit
Date   Mon, 26 Jul 2004 14:23:24 -0700

Hello list,

I'm running -xttobit- models, and getting output that I don't
understand. Below you'll find both my command line and the output.
Scrolling through the output, you'll see that Stata gives me a
coefficient, but no std. err., conf. interval, etc. for the [mxNAFmS_lt]
variable.  I've had variables drop out before because of collinearity,
but never gotten a coefficient without the other output.  What is even
more odd, is that if I take *ANY* one variable out of the model, I get
full output for all variables.  I played around to see if the problem
was with correlations between [mxNAFmS_lt] and some other variable, but
as I say, if I drop *any* one other variable, the model runs fine.
Also, if I change my year dummies (i.e., [close1996]-[close1999]) and
use, say 1997-2000, the model runs fine.  And if I remove the -if-
statement in the command, the model runs fine with all the variables.
Anyone have any ideas why I'm getting this partial output in some cases,
but not others??



.xttobit NALpS_t nLPQFnds nLPFndInv mxNFmInv_lt mxNFmFd_lt LgFmCap
close1996 close1997 close1998 close1999 mxNAFmS_lt if fstlpfminv==1 ,
i(firmid) ll(0) nolog  

Random-effects tobit regression                 Number of obs      =
Group variable (i): firmid                      Number of groups   =

Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian                   Obs per group: min =
                                                               avg =
                                                               max =

                                                Wald chi2(9)       =
Log likelihood  =  415.31642                    Prob > chi2        =

     NALpS_t |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
    nLPQFnds |   .1104854   .0031582    34.98   0.000     .1042954
   nLPFndInv |   .0036929   .0098795     0.37   0.709    -.0156707
 mxNFmInv_lt |   .0055975   .0015129     3.70   0.000     .0026322
  mxNFmFd_lt |   .0104735   .0082937     1.26   0.207    -.0057819
     LgFmCap |   .0237823   .0060292     3.94   0.000     .0119653
   close1996 |   .2862993   .0326511     8.77   0.000     .2223043
   close1997 |    -.13454   .0261689    -5.14   0.000    -.1858302
   close1998 |  -.0424031    .018431    -2.30   0.021    -.0785272
   close1999 |  -.0106964   .0199639    -0.54   0.592     -.049825
  mxNAFmS_lt |  -.1413993          .        .       .            .
       _cons |  -.1813773   .0520966    -3.48   0.000    -.2834848
    /sigma_u |   .1393658   .0073951    18.85   0.000     .1248717
    /sigma_e |   .1737762   .0032071    54.19   0.000     .1674905
         rho |   .3914234    .026979                      .3396981

Thomas P. Moliterno
Graduate School of Management
University of California, Irvine

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