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Re: st: Why do i get a conformability error in Gllamm6?

From   Michael Ingre <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Why do i get a conformability error in Gllamm6?
Date   Wed, 14 Jul 2004 17:09:46 +0200

On 2004-07-14, at 12.47, Daniela New wrote:

I'm sorry to ask such a basic question, but i thought i could cluster
first on the firms and then on the country in order to run 2 different
random effects (i.e. writing i(code country)
This would have worked if your firms had been active in one country only (like members of families) but your firms are in all countries. To my knowledge, you can't estimate a random effect for both at the same time. I guess it might be possible in theory but very complicated to estimate two random effects nested in each other.

You could (in theory) have one random effect for each country by adding dummys and specifying one equation for each dummy. These random effects would describe the firm specific country effect for each of the countries. However, don't even try to estimate a model with 10 random effects. You are way past the practical limit.

If you are considering using time as one predictor in your model, I would suggest that you model it as a random coefficient. This would allow for firm-specific slopes of time, which (I think) often makes perfect sense.

. gen const = 1
. eq intercept: const
. eq slope: year

. gllamm y x year , i(code) nrf(2) eqs(intercept slope) adapt .....


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