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st: Why do i get a conformability error in Gllamm6?

From   "Daniela New" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Why do i get a conformability error in Gllamm6?
Date   Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:47:44 +0100

I'm trying to run gllamm6 on a panel data, as suggested here (thanks a

My panel is made of 944 firms, investing in 10 countries, in the years
from 1992 to 1998.
My dependent variable is 0 if i have an investment in that country in a
the year of consideration, 0 otherwise.

My id is the fiscal code of the firms, each of them is repeated 7 times
(becasue i have 7 years) so 944*7=6608.
This sub-panel is repeated 10 times (one per each country), so 6608*10.

The structure is:

Code1  1992    country A 
Code1  1993
Code1  .....
Code1  1998
Code2  1992     countryA  

Code1  1992    country B
Code1  1993
Code1  .....
Code1  1998
Code2  1992     countryB


I'm sorry to ask such a basic question, but i thought i could cluster
first on the firms and then on the country in order to run 2 different
random effects (i.e. writing i(code country)

Usinng gllamm6 i have this conformability error r(503).

How can i do to avoid it?

Is the structure of the panle to be wrong?


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