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st: RE: -tabodds- versus -cc-

From   "VISINTAINER PAUL" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: -tabodds- versus -cc-
Date   Wed, 7 Jul 2004 17:02:51 -0400


I think your confusion about the tests of homogeneity stems from what is
being tested.  A test of homogeneity can be use to test whether the
exp-dis ORs differ over a third variable (effect modification) or
whether the ORs differ over several levels of an exposure
variable--regardless of whether a third variable is present. 

-tabodds- allows you to examine the effect of an exposure that is
measured at more than 2 levels, e.g., 4x2; a 4-level exposure crossed
with a 2-level disease state.  The real advantage of the -tabodds-
command is that the score test helps us to determine whether there is a
"dose-response" relationship.   The test of homogeneity can be used to
detect a "threshold" of exposure.  This test, though, still is based on
two variables.  (-tabodds- allows adjustment for a third variable, but
not a test of interaction).   The main thing to remember is to use
-tabodds- to examine a multi-level exposure. 

The test of homogeneity in the -cc, by()- command is testing effect
modification.  In this case, the test overlaps the -mhodds- command,
which does the same thing.  We use this to address the question of
whether the exp-dis ORs are the same over strata of a third variable.
Obviously, if the test of homogeneity indicates that the ORs do differ
over strata of the third variable (i.e., the test is significant), using
a single statistic like the MH-odds to summarize the data may be quite


Paul F. Visintainer, PhD
Professor and Program Director 
Health Quantitative Sciences
School of Public Health
New York Medical College 

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
[email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 2:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: -tabodds- versus -cc-

Hello Statalisters --
I am using Intercooled Stata, version 8.2.  I hope someone can 
clarify the use of -tabodds- versus -cc- when determing whether 
a Mantel-Haenszel (MH) odds ratio is appropriate.  As I 
understand it (and please feel free to correct me if my 
understanding is misguided), the first step in determining 
whether a MH odds ratio is appropriate is to generate odds 
ratios for each group via -cc case_var exp_var, by(varname)- 
then to follow this command with -tabodds case_var exp_var- 
wherein I refer to the 'Test of Homogeneity (equal odds)' for 
confirmation (or not) of whether a MH odds ratio is 
appropriate.  The Stata 7 reference manual (vol 1, pg 467), 
however, indicates that I ought to refer only to the -cc- 
output and its 'Test of Homogeneity (M-H)' in determining 
whether a MH odds ratio is appropriate.  Can anyone clarify?  

As always, any suggestions are appreciated!

Many Thanks,
Clint Thompson 

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