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st: IMPS--.WGT file

From   Amit Khandelwal <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: IMPS--.WGT file
Date   Wed, 7 Jul 2004 15:41:02 -0400 (EDT)

I have a .WGT file that was created by IMPS (Integrated Microcomputer
Processing System). I believe it is an program used by the Census Bureau.
I have not been able to figure out how to read the file. I have the
dictionary file generated by the program (see bottom of this email for
what it looks like). I am trying to read it into STATA using a dictionary
(again, see bottom of this email for my dictionary file), but it doesn't
appear to be reading the data properly. There are 19 records, across 64
lines for each household. Viewing the data in word gives something
like this:

2                          2
022210030100215503040712221056713311000751011220000000000150051299 2
0222100301002155030407122210567133210005010112100000000001400512  1
03221003010021550304071222105671330101012              2                2
01012               000000000000000000000000000000000000000101012
2               2                01012              2              2
1  000015000015201

where the first two columns are the record number (so, here there is one
record #1, twelve record #2, one record #3).

The IMPS generated dictionary file looks like this (a sample)

Page    1                Data Dictionary: PHSW9596              IMPS
Version 3.1
                        Created: 25/03/98  10:32:08

                        Record Length:      306

    The following records have been defined:

    Record             Record Type Value                        Max.
    Name                   (RECTYPE)            Required        Records
    ------              -----------------       --------        -------
    REC1-FARM-LAND              01                  N              1
    REC1A-FARM-LAND             02                  N              12
    REC2-CROP-PROD              03                  N              6
    REC3-CASSAVA                04                  N              1
    REC4A-LIVE-PROD             05                  N              1
    REC4B-LIVE-PROD             06                  N              7
    REC4C-OTHER-LSTK            07                  N              3
    REC5-DONKEYS                08                  N              1
    REC6-CHICKS                 09                  N              4
    REC7-FISH-FARMIN            10                  N              1
    REC8-PERM-EMPLO             11                  N              1
    REC9-ASSET-INVES            12                  N              5
    REC10-DRAUGHT-AN            13                  N              1
    REC11-CREDITS               14                  N              2
    REC11A-CREDIT96             15                  N              1
    REC12-EXT-SERVIC            16                  N              1
    REC13-SECTION9              17                  N              1
    REC14-MARKT-INFO            18                  N              1
    REC15-OTHER-INFO            19                  N              1

The following COMMON items have been defined.  They occur on all records.
Item (occurs)        Data            Item
 Subitem (occurs)   Type  Position  Len.      Value Name       Values

(record type)          A       1-2      2

D001-PROV              N       3        1      central          1
                                              copperbelt       2
                                              eastern          3
                                              luapula          4
                                              lusaka           5
                                              northern         6
                                              nwestern         7
                                              southern         8
                                              western          9

D002-DIST              N       4-5      2      central          11:15
                                              Copperbelt       21:27
                                              eastern          31:36
                                              luapula          41:45
                                              lusaka           51:53
                                              northern         61:69
                                              nwestern         71:76
                                              southern         81:89
                                              western          91:96

Page    2                Data Dictionary: PHSW9596              IMPS
Version 3.1
                        Created: 25/03/98  10:32:08

The following COMMON items have been defined.  They occur on all records.
Item (occurs)        Data            Item
 Subitem (occurs)   Type  Position  Len.      Value Name       Values

D003-CSA               N       6-8      3

D004-SEA1              N       9        1

D005-SEA2              N      10        1      sea2             1:6

D006-HHOLD             N      11-13     3

D007-SEX               N      14        1      Male             1

My dictionary file I've written is:
dictionary using belt.WGT {
_line(1) _column(1) rec %2f
_line(1) _column(3) prov %1f
_line(1) _column(4) dist %2f
_line(1) _column(6) csa %3f
_line(1) _column(9)  sea %1f
_line(1) _column(10)  sea2 %1f
_line(1) _column(11)  hh %3f
_line(1) _column(14)  id1a %1f
_line(1) _column(15)  id1b %2f
_line(1) _column(17)  totmale %2f
_line(1) _column(19)  totfemale %2f
_line(1) _column(21)  totalpop %2f
_line(1) _column(23)  id5a %1f
_line(1) _column(24)  id5b %1f
_line(1) _column(25)  id5c %1f
_line(1) _column(26)  id5d %1f
_line(1) _column(27)  id3 %1f
_line(1) _column(28)  wgt %7f
_line(1) _column(35)  totarea %4f
_line(1) _column(39)  lan1 %1f
_line(1) _column(40)  totareacp %4f
_line(1) _column(44)  usefert %1f
_line(1) _column(45)  basalkg %5f
_line(1) _column(50)  topkg %5f
_line(1) _column(55)  anypurch %1f
_line(1) _column(56)  basalcash %4f
_line(1) _column(61)  basalkind %4f
_line(1) _column(66)  topcash %4f
_line(1) _column(71)  topkind %4f
_line(1) _column(76)  bsalvalcash %5f
_line(1) _column(82)  bsalvalkind %6f
_line(1) _column(88)  topvalcash %6f
_line(1) _column(94)  topvalkind %6f
_line(1) _column(100)  basalqty %5f
_line(1) _column(105)  topqty %5f
_line(1) _column(110)  valfert %6f
_line(1) _column(116)  basaltra %6f
_line(1) _column(122)  toptrans %6f
_line(1) _column(128)  basalava %1f
_line(1) _column(129)  topavail %1f
_line(2) _column(35) parcel %1f
_line(2) _column(36) field %1f
_line(2) _column(37) fieldarea %5f
_line(2) _column(42) cultmethd %1f
_line(2) _column(43) cropgrwn %2f
_line(2) _column(48) basalapp %4f
_line(2) _column(52) topapp %4f
_line(2) _column(56) fieldrod %6f
_line(2) _column(62) unit %1f
_line(2) _column(63) soilfert %1f
_line(2) _column(64) manure %1f
_line(2) _column(65) cropgrwn1 %2f
_line(2) _column(67) notuse %1f
_line(2) _column(68) mulching %1f
_line(2) _column(69) contour %1f
_line(2) _column(70) fallowing %1f
_line(2) _column(71) terracing %1f
_line(2) _column(72) bunding %1f
_line(2) _column(73) other %1f
_line(14) _column(35) crop %2f
_line(14) _column(37) lan5m %2f
_line(14) _column(39) lan5f %2f
_line(14) _column(41) lan6 %1f
_line(14) _column(42) lan7a %7f
_line(14) _column(49) lan7b %7f
_line(14) _column(56) lan8 %1f
_line(14) _column(57) lan9 %1f
_line(14) _column(58) lan10 %1f
_line(14) _column(59) lan11a %7f
_line(14) _column(66)  lan11b %7f
_line(14) _column(73) lan12 %1f
_line(14) _column(74) lan13 %1f
_line(14) _column(75)  lan14 %1f
_line(14) _column(76) lan15a %7f
_line(14) _column(83)  lan15b %7f
_line(14) _column(90)  pla1m %2f
_line(14) _column(92) pla1f %2f
_line(14) _column(94) pla2 %1f
_line(14) _column(95) pla3a %7f
_line(14) _column(102) pla3b %7f
_line(14) _column(109) pla13a %3f
_line(14) _column(112) pla13b %6f
_line(14) _column(118)  pla14a %3f
_line(14) _column(121) pla14b %6f
_line(14) _column(127) pla15a %3f
_line(14) _column(130) pla15b %6f
_line(14) _column(136)  pla16a %6f

But it's not reading into stata correctly. Can anyone offer any advice?


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