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st: Conditional probabilities with one fixed effect at a constant

From   Michael Ingre <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Conditional probabilities with one fixed effect at a constant
Date   Tue, 6 Jul 2004 15:33:31 +0200

Dear list

I would like to predict (and plot) conditional probabilities for a response as a function of one independent variable keeping a second variable at a constant.

More specifically, I would like to plot the predicted probabilities for _leng_ by _day_ while _time_ == 4 from the model below.

It is very easy to predict probabilities keeping the random effects at a given value with -gllapred- but I have yet to find a way for keeping a fixed effect in -gllamm- at a constant.

I appreciate all suggestions.

I think it must be possible to first predict the fixed effects from the model with _time_ at a constant (4) and then add the random effects from the intercept and the random effect of _leng_.

Thanks for your time.


Partial display of model:

. gen const = 1
. eq intercept: const
. eq time: time
. eq leng: leng

. char day[omit] 2

. xi*leng*time
. xi: gllamm resp _Iday_1 _Iday_3 leng _IdayXleng_1 _IdayXleng_3 time _IdayXtime_1 _IdayXtime_ ///
. , i(id) nrf(3) eqs(intercept leng time) link(logit) fam(binomial) adapt

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------
resp | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
------------- +----------------------------------------------------------------
_Iday_1 | .5922521 .893279 0.66 0.507 -1.158543 2.343047
_Iday_3 | .2531786 .9334512 0.27 0.786 -1.576352 2.082709
leng | 1.571584 1.170692 1.34 0.179 -.7229305 3.866099
_IdayXleng_1 | 2.473041 1.195547 2.07 0.039 .1298116 4.81627
_IdayXleng_3 | .4036673 1.225166 0.33 0.742 -1.997614 2.804949
time | .2418225 .2774821 0.87 0.383 -.3020324 .7856774
_IdayXtime_1 | -.1086444 .2195245 -0.49 0.621 -.5389045 .3216156
_IdayXtime_3 | .2298701 .2278498 1.01 0.313 -.2167072 .6764475
_cons | -5.118715 1.023391 -5.00 0.000 -7.124525 -3.112905
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

Variances and covariances of random effects
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

***level 2 (subject)

var(1): 4.0975884 (2.5381436)
cov(2,1): -1.2187546 (1.9747622) cor(2,1): -.41187287

var(2): 2.1368686 (2.1924798)
cov(3,1): -.37716119 (.56908407) cor(3,1): -.26415951
cov(3,2): -.79399432 (.56427558) cor(3,2): -.77007299

var(3): .49750012 (.24800011)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

Michael Ingre , PhD student & Research Associate
Department of Psychology, Stockholm University &
National Institute for Psychosocial Medicine IPM
Box 230, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden

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