Beyond the obvious difficulty that you have less information about the second distribution, it is possible to apply -ksmirnov- to such data. However, I'd underline Rupert Miller's pithy critique of Kolmogorov-Smirnov quoted within [R] diagnostic plots. -qqplot- (also -ppplot- from SSC) are graphical ways of comparing such distributions.
Nick [email protected]
... with the caveat that Miller's comment was specifically directed at finding non-normality, not the difference between two distributions. The biggest problem with the two-
sample KS test with distributions of these sizes is a pronounced insensitivity to differences in the tails -- not surprising since there isn't much of a tail to be seen in a 25 observation distribution. For finding arbitrary differences between two distributions, however, KS is probably about the best tool we've got. -qqplot- doesn't really tell you anything more than than KS will in this case.
Jonathan Falk
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