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st: mlabel option for ciplot does not return correct labels

From   "Daniel Egan" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: mlabel option for ciplot does not return correct labels
Date   Thu, 27 May 2004 12:59:20 -0400

This is the second post trying to get an answer to this, so after this I'll
take the hint...

I would like to be able to use
labels with the mean markers that represent various things (right now,
number of observations in each category).

sysuse auto, clear
egen n=count(foreign), by(foreign)
table foreign n
ciplot mpg, by(foreign) mlab(n)

These labels always only correspond to the value of the first categorical
label, i.e., category 2's label is the value for category one. It is strange
since they seem to be working with , mlab(n) correctly.

How might I go about having each label value correspond to the category
specific value?


Daniel Egan
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