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st: xtlogit/xtprobit and predicted probabilities

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: xtlogit/xtprobit and predicted probabilities
Date   Tue, 11 May 2004 13:01:57 +0200


While there are numerous semi-automatic ways of getting predicted
probabilities for regular logit/probit models, I cannot find these for

My model (in Stata) is:

xtlogit y gender xcon xcat, re


y is a binary variable measured at three time points

gender is coded 1 for male and zero for female

xcon is a continionus time-varying covariate

xcat is an ordinal time-varying covariate with five values.

I want to get the following predicted probabilities:

(1) for men and women, respectively, with xcon = mean and xcat = 3

(2) for men and women, respectively, with xcon = 5 and xcat = 3

Thanks in advance!

Christer Thrane

Christer Thrane, dr.polit.
Associate Professor, Sociology
Department of Social Science
Lillehammer University College
2626 Lillehammer, Norway
+ 47 61 28 81 70 (fax)
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