Fredrik Wallenberg wrote (Tuesday, May 11, 2004 2:24 AM):
> I assume there are many users on this list that regularly
> convert Stata estimates into LaTeX tables and wanted to get
> some input from you...
> My goal is to extend est2vec and est2tex to provide (myself
> with) a better solution. Before I get started I wanted to see
> if I could get some input on this (and maybe even some help :-)
I just finished a program you might like. The program is a wrapper
for the official -estimates table-. However, it is much more
flexible than -estimates table-. I will send it to
the SSC archive today, so it probably will be available tomorrow.
Note that -estout- is a general program to export regression
results. Thus, it is possible to switch styles (tab, tex, html)
or even define delimiters etc. manually.
> Exponential Output
> One limitation I've found here so far is the ability to
> report exponential forms of the estimates and standard
> deviations. Lifting code from -outreg- I have already added
> the option -eform- to -est2vec- and it seems to be working
> (but needs more testing).
-estout- has the eform option
> Manual Variables
> I find that I frequently want to report a table with several
> control variables (such as state dummies) suppressed). I am
> considering allowing the user to add one (or more) lines to
> the end of the variable lists. For example EXTRAVAR(State
> Dummies)(yes) would add a new variable named "State Dummies"
> with a value "yes" to the coefficient matrix (and probably an
> empty observation in the errors matrix).
-estout- has options to insert user defined stuff at different places
in the table (prehead, posthead, prefoot, postfoot). The prefoot-option
could be used to manually insert information on suppressed variables.
> Significance Marks
> My first goal here is to allow the use of "fancy"
> significance marks. Both -est2tex- and -outreg- simply use *,
> **, *** (or +,*,**). -Outtex- however defines \onepc, \fivepc
> and \tenpc for a much more elegant output. Further, -outtex-
> also (depending on options) puts the estimates and the
> significance in separate columns (r @{} l). There are two
> ways to implement the latter, one is using the same approach
> as -outtex-, the other is to use the package -dcolumns-. The
> latter would be nicer if I could get it to work (so far it
> doesn't like macros in the columns and I might have to use
> the -outtex- approach). An extension would be to suppress the
> definition of the significance terms (\onepc etc) in each
> table and rely on those being defined in the header of the
> document. A similar flag would probably be added for
> -dcolumn- column types (if I decide to use -dcolumn-).
> Implementation through a new FANCY2 option (or something like that).
Significance signs are fully customizable in -estout- (including
number and values of levels) and can be detached if needed.
Legends can be printed or not.
Note, that that -estout- does not bother setting up the table/tabular
environment. You would have to use prehead and postfoot options
to insert the \begin{tabular}{...} and \end{tabular} commands.
I did not include automatic generation of such stuff because
I think that it is too much user dependent. However, it should be
real easy to cutomize -estout- to automatically print such stuff.
> Standard Error formatting
> -Est2tex- currently does not allow me to put standard errors
> within brackets (rather than parenthesis) or include them
> without a parenthesis. The former is an option for -outreg-
> and the latter is an option for -outtex- but I don't know if
> it should be a priority... let me know if this is important
> to include. Implementation options: NOPAR BRACKET
-estout- currently has the parentheses option. Extending the otion to
embrace the se- or t-values with whatever you like is on my to-do-list.
Cheers, ben
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