From | Roger Newson <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: About log file |
Date | Sun, 09 May 2004 15:53:47 +0100 |
At 16:40 07/05/04 -0700, Maoyong Fan wrote:
Dear Friends,Yet another possibility is to save all the regression results in temporary files using -parmest-, to concatenate these temporary files using -dsconcat-, and then to list the concatenated file in whatever format you prefer. The -parmest- and -dsconcat- packages are downloadable from SSC, and the online help for -parmest- contains an example using -dsconcat- to concatenate temporary files. To find out more about -parmest- and -dsconcat-, type
Is there any way to just put my regression results instead of every step of my program into the log file? That will make it easier to check results.
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