Maoyong Fan wrote:
> Is there any way to just put my regression results instead of every step of
> my program into the log file? That will make it easier to check results.
Try putting the regression command in a brief, simple "wrapper" program, along
with the -log using- and -log close- commands.
The log file will only have the regression results--it won't even contain the
regression command, itself.
I recommend adding a brief -display- command just before the regression command
to provide identifying information in the log file. You can even -display- the
regression command (in quotes) in order to identify it.
The approach is illustrated in the do-file below. You can also use -log off- /
-log on- in this approach with the necessary modifications to the program(s).
Joseph Coveney
set more off
sysuse auto
* data-manipulation steps of your program
* that you don't want to log go here
program define logem
version 8.2
capture log close
quietly log using my_log
display as text "This is the title of my regression (to identify it)"
regress `1' `2'
quietly log close
logem headroom gear_ratio
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