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Re: st: RE: RE: creating age at first birth from birth history data

From   Ada Ma <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: RE: creating age at first birth from birth history data
Date   Mon, 26 Apr 2004 17:06:41 +0100

Is this "child_n" variable created by you or does it come with the data?

If this variable came with the data and if you have 16,614 pregnancies in your data, it looks like your data is telling you that 4,105 kids in your sample are first borns.

This is my guess - because it's impossible to have your 13th child before you have your first. One child at a time is the safest, twins are rather sweet, but from what I heard 5 is the max if you're talking about human beings. :-)


Henry DOCTOR wrote:

This is how my data are:

tab child_n if child_n!=88  (In this case child 1 is last born, child 2 is
second to last born etc etc)

      child |
     number |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          1 |      4,105       24.71       24.71
          2 |      3,452       20.78       45.49
          3 |      2,899       17.45       62.93
          4 |      2,345       14.11       77.05
          5 |      1,628        9.80       86.85
          6 |      1,090        6.56       93.41
          7 |        607        3.65       97.06
          8 |        309        1.86       98.92
          9 |        104        0.63       99.55
         10 |         47        0.28       99.83
         11 |         17        0.10       99.93
         12 |          9        0.05       99.99
         13 |          2        0.01      100.00
      Total |     16,614      100.00

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