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st: Can't get rid of autocorrelation after -xtgls c(p)-

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Can't get rid of autocorrelation after -xtgls c(p)-
Date   Mon, 8 Mar 2004 13:20:22 -0000 (GMT)


After running several models using -xtgls- together with the -c(p)- or
-c(a)- option, I've noticed that whatever post-estimation test for
autocorrelation I use (I've used -xtbac- [shown below] and -xtserial-),
they all show pretty serious serial correlation, despite using options
that correct for it. I don't understand why!

I've been working 'behind the curtains' of Statalist with Brian Poi at
Support, who has been outstanding and very helpful on all aspects relating
to -xtgls-, but we couldn't find a way around this 'little local
difficulty', to quote an ex-Prime Minister.

Are there any other tests for SC that anybody could suggest? I have
downloaded Kit Baum's -panelauto- suite of SC tests, but none of these are
really suitable for post-FGLS regressions.

*This program calculated the Baltagi test for autocorrelation in panel
data, after estimating with xtreg, xtgls, reg or areg.
*Part of this code is a modified version of the already existing command

*author: Luca Nunziata, Nuffield College, OX1 1NF, Oxford, UK
*email: [email protected]

*Version 2.0 (15.11.02)

prog def xtbac, rclass

local tvar : char _dta[tis]
local ivar : char _dta[iis]

tempvar e ee y sumee ee1 sumee1 noo nog
tempname dnum dden N T see see1 LM LM5 chi np
quietly drop if e(sample)==0

*nog=number of groups

egen `noo'=group (`ivar')
egen `nog'=max (`noo')

scalar `N'= `nog'
scalar `T'=   e(N)/`N'

if e(cmd)=="xtreg" {
 	xtpred `e',e

if e(cmd)=="areg"| e(cmd)=="regress" {
	predict `e',res

if e(cmd)=="xtgls" {
	quietly predict `y'
	loc d=e(depvar)
	gen `e'=`d'-`y'

if e(cmd)~="xtgls" & e(cmd)~="xtreg" & e(cmd)~="areg" & e(cmd)~="regress" {
 	display in red /*
                                */ "ERROR: you didn't use either xtreg,
xtgls, reg or areg to perform last
* (1) Test for serial correlation in residuals
sort `ivar' `tvar'

quietly {

  gen `ee'=`e'*`e'
  gen `sumee'=sum(`ee')

  scalar `see'=`sumee'[_N]

  by `ivar': gen `ee1'=`e'*`e'[_n-1]

/* omit 1st obs on each unit */
  gen `sumee1'=sum(`ee1')

  scalar `see1'=`sumee1'[_N]

  scalar `LM'=`N'*`T'*(`T'/(`T'-1))*((`see1'/`see')^2)
*   strictly, valid only for balanced panel
  scalar `LM5'=sqrt(`LM')
*   strictly, valid only for balanced panel
  scalar `chi'=chiprob(1,`LM')
  scalar `np'=1-normprob(abs(`LM5'))

return scalar LM=round(`LM',0.00001)
return scalar chi=round(`chi',0.00001)
return scalar LM5=round(`LM5',0.00001)
return scalar np=round(`np',0.000001)

dis _newline
  dis in gr "Test for serial correlation in residuals"
  dis in gr "Null hypothesis is either that rho=0 if residuals are AR(1)"
  dis in gr "or that lamda=0 if residuals are MA(1)"
  dis in gr "Following tests only approximate for unbalanced panels"
  dis in gr "LM= " in ye `LM'
  dis in gr "which is asy. distributed as chisq(1) under null, so:"
  dis in gr "Probability of value greater than LM is " in ye `chi'
  dis in gr "LM5= " in ye `LM5'
  dis in gr "which is asy. distributed as N(0,1) under null, so:"
  dis in gr "Probability of value greater than abs(LM5) is " in ye `np'
  dis _newline



CLIVE NICHOLAS        |t: 0(44)191 222 5969
Politics Building     |e: [email protected]
School of Geography,  |f: 0(44)870 126 2421
 Politics & Sociology |
University of         |
 Newcastle-upon-Tyne  |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne   |
NE1 7RU		      |
United Kingdom	      |
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