Dear fellows !
I am not sure about median - test with command (see) below:
I have two columns:
x - y- column
/ x-column contains ID-number /
ID - numbers are :I090,M010,M013,M020,I010,M012
/ y-column is count-value /
I090 94.97 1... observation
M010 117.62 2.... observation
M010 64.83
M013 91.39
M010 138.69
M010 39.77
M020 39.05
M010 56.98
I010 87.51
M010 97.36
M010 33.96
M012 74.28
.... there are much more observations with same ID-numbers
I want to use following command:
median varname [weight] [if exp] [in range] , by(groupvar) [ exact
medianties(drop | above | below | split) ]
in order to make median test in the following groups:
my Nullhypothesis should be: equal medians for all groups
any help will be appreciated very much
andreas aschbacher
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