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st: a question about an identifying variable with more than 10 digits

From   Hyung-Jai Choi <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: a question about an identifying variable with more than 10 digits
Date   Wed, 4 Feb 2004 17:20:35 -0800

I have a data set in which an identifying variable id somehow has values of more than 10 digits, and find that in some cases, the STATA does not distinguish two different individuals when the first 9 digits of the id are the same for the two individuals. For example, suppose that there are two individuals whose ids are 1234567890 and 1234567891, respectively, - the ids differ only in the last digit. Then, the STATA displays the two ids in a scientific notation like 1.234E+9 and seems to treat the two individuals as the same one. I am wondering if there is a way to have the STATA distinguish them. I found a similar problem when a variable has more than 9 digits following the decimal point.

Hyung-Jai Choi

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