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st: nostop in do files

From   Tim Wade <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: nostop in do files
Date   Wed, 4 Feb 2004 09:26:12 -0800 (PST)

Hello Statalisters:

I am using v. 8 on Windows 2000--

I hope this question isn't too stupid, but I searched
archives, faq's, and manuals.

I usually run do files by either clicking on them
directly, or opening them from Stata and clicking the
run icon. Because of this, I find it inconvenient to
type "do mydofile, nostop", when I want to prevent do
files from stopping in the event of an error. Is there
a way to specify this in the do file? I know I could
have a second do file call it up, but would rather not
do this. Including the line "do mydofile, nostop" at
the top of the do file results in errors as well
(after the program runs once), or endless loops (as
would be expected!) Thanks! Tim

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