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RE: st: Education CIP Codes with Label Define

From   "John Milam" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Education CIP Codes with Label Define
Date   Thu, 8 Jan 2004 09:16:12 -0500


Thanks for your help.  I must not have explained the issue adequately.
I will play with the formatting of trailing and leading zeroes in a
numeric label.  But The period such as 01.1110 is in the label code not
in the label value.  Running STATA 8.2, I keep getting syntax errors.
Data file:

232186,"UNIVERSITY X",-2,1,"99.0000",5,1118,1694
232186,"UNIVERSITY X",-2,1,"01.1110",5,3,5
STATA Program:

insheet using "c:\dct\test.csv", comma clear
label data "test"
label variable unitid "UNITID"
label variable instnm "Institution Name"
label variable idx_c "UNITID number of parent institution completions"
label variable majornum "First or Second Major"
label variable cipcode "CIP Code"
label variable awlevel "Award Level code"
label variable crace15f "Grand total men"
label variable crace16f "Grand total women"
label define label_majornum 1 "First major" 2 "Second major" 
label values majornum label_majornum
label define label_cipcode "01.1110" "Something different for test"
99.0000 "Award" 
label values cipcode label_cipcode
label define label_awlevel 1 "Awards of less than one academic year" 2
"Awards at least 1 but less than 2 academ" 3 "Associates degrees" 4
"Awards at least 2 but less than 4 academ" 5 "Bachelors degrees" 6
"Postbaccalaureate certificates" 7 "Masters degrees" 8 "Post-Masters
certificates" 9 "Doctors degrees" 10 "First-professional degrees" 11
"First-professional certificates" 
label values awlevel label_awlevel
tab majornum
tab cipcode
tab awlevel
summarize crace15f
summarize crace16f
save test

. label define label_cipcode "01.1110" "Something different for test"
99.0000 "Award" 
invalid syntax
How can I pad the CIP Code value label code as a numeric variable, with
the leading and trailing zeroes?  Is it simply:

.format CIP_Code %07.4f

Do I have to generate it as a float first?


John Milam, Ph.D.
Managing Director, Inc.
9 West Piccadilly St.
Winchester, VA 22601
(540) 722-6060 (voice)
(540) 722-6163 (fax)
[email protected]

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