Apologies to John Milam and to the list for my too hasty last posting.
-table-, but not -tabulate-, respects leading-zero numeric variable formatting.
But I don't quiet follow John's statements about periods in value labels and in
string variables: Stata *does* accept periods in both value labels and in
string variables, as illustrated below.
I don't understand the issue; is there might be something that John wants to do
with the data that makes the periods in strings or in value labels problematic?
Joseph Coveney
set obs 2
generate float CIP_Code = 01.1110
replace CIP_Code = 0 in 2
format CIP_Code %07.4f
list, table noobs
table CIP_Code
* value labels that contain periods
generate byte cod = _n
label define CIP_Codes 1 "01.1110" 2 "11.1111"
label values cod CIP_Codes
label variable cod "CIP Codes"
list cod, noobs table
tabulate cod
table cod
* string variable that contains periods
generate str7 scod = "01.1110"
replace scod = "11.1111" in 2
label variable cod "Value-labeled"
label variable scod "String with dots"
tabulate scod cod
table cod, stubwidth(15)
table scod, stubwidth(16)
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/