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st: Re: dialog programming

From   "Steichen" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: dialog programming
Date   Wed, 3 Dec 2003 21:19:05 -0500

Sophie writes:

> I am currently working on a dialog program which is meant to have a
> different dialog depending on the number of groups entered in the first
> window. I.e. if the use enters 2 groups in the main window, then he will
> find two boxes to enter a value in on the options window, and if he enters
> groups initially, then he will find 4 boxes etc. is there a way to program
> this?

If you have a small set of possible groups sizes, small enough so that you
can choose among them with a radio control, then what you want to do can be
done easily.  But, I am fairly certain there is not an _easy_ way to capture
the numeric value of a control and use it to modify the appearance of a
dialog window.  I suspect there may be a complicated way it can be done by
invoking an .ado and/or by using some of the non-public features of the
dialog language, but you will need to go to StataCorp for the details; they
helped me do something similar, though not identical to what you want.


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