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st: kappa for more than 2 raters

From   "Jeffrey Quon" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: kappa for more than 2 raters
Date   Wed, 3 Dec 2003 14:53:48 -0800

I'm using STATA/SE 8.0.  I have a data set involving 91 subjects.  All
subjects have been rated by the same three raters (R1, R2 & R3) into one of
four categories. My data is arranged in the following manner:

    Subject    R1    R2    R3
    1            1        1        2
    2            4        3        4
    ..            ..        ..        ..
    91.        3        3        3

The -kap- command allows me to generate a table of individual kappas, one
for each category (1, 2, 3 and 4), as well as a combined kappa (a so-called
"weighted average of the individual kappas").  The manual suggests that the
individual kappa for, say "category 2", would be the two-rating kappa where
category 2  is "positive" and all other categories (1, 3 & 4) are

My question is:  Given that our rating scale is ordinal, is there a way to
get STATA to generate a table of individual kappas based on a
dichotomization of the rating scale at each possible cut-off?

Many thanks in advance,

Jeffrey Quon

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