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[no subject]

You could bundle this in a little utility:  

program showme 
	version 8 
	return li
	eret li

For example, 

. summarize  

. showme 

shows what is available immediately after 
-summarize- (note that stuff may be left 
over from _previous_ commands, something that 
itself could be tackled). 

[email protected] 

F. Michael Kunz
> I am trying to debug a program coded by another and need to 
> figure out 
> what the following underscore variabel represents.
> I cannot find what the variable _result( ) represents from 
> the manuals 
> or online help.
> The context is as follows:
> reg ...
> predict , resid
> test ....
> matrix = 1/_result(5)
> I've checked the reg, predict, and test commands to look for saved 
> variables names _result( ) but no dice.

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