I need to create a table which contains percent of row total and frequency.
I've been looking through table and tabdisp and haven't figured it out.
The table I am looking for is very similar to the following. From
Characteristics of diabetic subjects according smoking status. Figures are
frequencies (percent of row total).
Never smoked (968) Current smoker (296)
Ex-smoker (582) All
Sex Men 374 (40) 166 (18)
361 (39) 928
Women 594 (61) 130 (13)
221 (23) 971
Age Group (Years)
< 45 117 (53) 60 (27)
42 (19) 219
45-54 126 (57) 49 (22)
45 (20) 221
55-64 281 (54) 78 (15)
151 (29) 520
65-74 263 (47) 78 (14)
200 (36) 556
? 75 158 (48) 25 (8)
134 (41) 326
Not known 23 (40) 6 (11) 10
(18) 57
Thanks for your help!
Daniel R. Sabath M.Sc. Research Consultant
Dept. of Surgery 325 Ninth Ave
Harborview Injury Prevention Box 359960
and Research Center Seattle, WA 98104
[email protected] (206) 521-1549
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