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st: RE: Slight bug? in graph

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Slight bug? in graph
Date   Fri, 3 Oct 2003 13:16:31 +0100

Fred Wolfe 
> I was trying to make an -fpfit- graph, but had a typo 
> (fpit). Stata then gave me an error. When I corrected the 
> typo, the next (correct) command failed (see below). I then 
> added various schemes to the command and fpfit ran without 
> trouble. It would seem that Stata is leaving something 
> behind after the first failure that induces the second.
> The error messages are clearly inscrutable ...
> . twoway fpit pure plaggi_scale if luse, estcmd(logistic)
> Super invalid member variable identifier
> r(198);
> . twoway fpfit pure plaggi_scale if luse, estcmd(logistic)
> invalid line in style file graphstyle/default:
> set declared_xsize scheme x
> invalid line in style file graphstyle/default:
> set declared_ysize scheme y
> invalid syntax
> r(198);
> . twoway fpfit pure plaggi_scale if luse, estcmd(logistic) 
> scheme(s2mono)
> . twoway fpfit pure plaggi_scale if luse, estcmd(logistic) 
> scheme(s1mono)
> . twoway fpfit pure plaggi_scale if luse, estcmd(logistic) 
> scheme(s2color)
> . twoway fpfit pure plaggi_scale if luse, estcmd(logistic) 
> scheme(s1color)
> . twoway fpfit pure plaggi_scale if luse, estcmd(logistic) 
> scheme(sj)

I can't reproduce this with -twoway fpit <stuff>-. That 
for me produces a very reasonable message. 

Bug or not, Stata can't read your mind here. Next time, type 

. discard 

to flush out all the bits and pieces loaded and 
allow it a clean start on your next command. 

As often mentioned, the graphics programs are 
class-based. Mostly that's a real feature. It also  
means that on occasion there is a string 
of messages several deep as you get booted out 
of a series of nested programs. Admittedly, 
perhaps three people at Stata Corp understand 
most or all such messages, but usually 
you can do your own debugging by identifying 
the typo responsible. 

[email protected] 

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