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Re: st: Ztesti, Ztest2i, other Stataquest features now missing

From   [email protected] (Vince Wiggins, StataCorp)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Ztesti, Ztest2i, other Stataquest features now missing
Date   Thu, 02 Oct 2003 12:41:52 -0500

Richard Williams <[email protected]> asks about accessing some of
the features of the StataQuest menus under Stata 8,

> I have been using Stata 7 with the Stataquest menu addons.  The
> other day I used Stata 8 for the first time.  The new menu structure
> is good, but seems to be missing some of the functionality that the
> Stataquest addons had.
> * The Ztesti and the Ztest2i functions (referred to on the menus as
> 1 sample normal test and 2 sample normal test) did not work on the
> Stata 8 machine I was using.  These involve esoteric hypothesis
> testing cases where the population variance is somehow known.
> Granted, these are not real common situations, but I find them
> useful for teaching purposes.  It looks like some other functions
> may be missing from the menus as well.
> * I liked the way the calculator menu was separate from the
> statistics menu in Stata 7 with Stataquest added on.  Is there a way
> to rework the menus in v. 8?  Stata isn't my primary statistical
> package but I find it extremely helpful as a statistical calculator,
> at least when I can find what I want.
> [...]

Stata 8's menus and dialogs are meant to provide a GUI to all of Stata's
official commands, whereas StataQuest was always more of a teaching tool.
Regardless, Richard can still use the StataQuest additions under Stata 8, but
the entire set of quest menus will be located under menu User|StataQuest and
this cannot be changed.  They are installed exactly as the were before,

	pick "SJ and User-written programs" from the "Help" menu
	Click on "other locations"
	Click on quest 7"
	Then, click to install each of the 3 quest additions

As in Stata 7, type -quest on- to turn on the quest menus.

If Richard had previously installed the StataQuest additions under his Stata 7
and not uninstalled them, they are still on his machine.  He doesn't need to
reinstall them; all he has to do is type -quest on-.

Some of the Quest programs may no longer work because of long variable names
and labels, though I believe that most will.

-- Vince
   [email protected]

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