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st: Ztesti, Ztest2i, other Stataquest features now missing

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Ztesti, Ztest2i, other Stataquest features now missing
Date   Thu, 02 Oct 2003 11:17:42 -0500

Hello. This question will betray the fact that I am not a Stata Power User! But I have tried searching the FAQs and not found an answer, so any help would be appreciated.

I have been using Stata 7 with the Stataquest menu addons. The other day I used Stata 8 for the first time. The new menu structure is good, but seems to be missing some of the functionality that the Stataquest addons had.

* The Ztesti and the Ztest2i functions (referred to on the menus as 1 sample normal test and 2 sample normal test) did not work on the Stata 8 machine I was using. These involve esoteric hypothesis testing cases where the population variance is somehow known. Granted, these are not real common situations, but I find them useful for teaching purposes. It looks like some other functions may be missing from the menus as well.

* I liked the way the calculator menu was separate from the statistics menu in Stata 7 with Stataquest added on. Is there a way to rework the menus in v. 8? Stata isn't my primary statistical package but I find it extremely helpful as a statistical calculator, at least when I can find what I want.

In short, I'd like to make Stata 8 regain some of the features that Stata 7 with Stataquest had. Is there a way to do it? Or can I at least request it? Thanks. RW

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