On July 16, the following message was posted to Statalist:
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 13:37:15 +0200
From: "Grote, Veit Dr." <[email protected]>
Subject: st: desmat and Stata8
Hi all,
"desmat" under Stata8 does not work as under Stata7. The nice feature of
displaying labels of categorical variables disappeared somehow. Maybe
someone has a clue how to fix it?!
Veit Grote
As far as I can tell, Mr. Grote's question has not previously been
answered. I initially ran into the same problem with desmat and Stata
8. The problem was that I was using an out-of-date version of -desmat-.
-net search desmat- does *not* display the most recent version.
-ssc describe desmat- does display the most recent version of desmat.
version 3.1 and after of -desmat- appear to work fine with Stata 8. I run
Stata 8.1 on Windows 2K and Windows 98 machines.
I should add that -desmat- is a very helpful program that is capable of
building higher order interactions than -xi- or -xi3-, and -desmat- also
produces much nicer looking output.
Michael J. Rosenfeld
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Sociology
Stanford University
Bldg 120, Room 160
Stanford, CA 94305
phone (650) 723-3958
best fax (419) 828-4014 [email protected]