Dear Statalisters,
Myself and a co-author are stuck on how to do the programming mentioned
by the Stata econometrician below... I thought this Statalist might
help. Can anybody provide some insight (or better yet, a few lines of
code as a potential guide!) on the dilemma outlined below between *****?
Chihmao Hsieh
John M. Olin School of Business
Washington University
Box 1133, One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
Email: [email protected]
-----Mensagem original-----
Assunto: Re: doubt about Stata quantile regression code
Dear Sergio,
***** The easiest way to get standard errors for the 2SLAD model is to
use the bootstrap. Note that you will want to bootstrap both
stages of estimation, not just the second stage. Therefore, when
you use -bootstrap- or -bstrap-, you will need to write a program
that estimates your entire model.
A seminal paper in this area is Amemiya (1982, Econometrica). There,
among other things he shows that even though you use quantile regress-
ion in the second stage, you should still use OLS in the first stage;
this is what he calls the 2SLAD model. He also derives the asymptotic
standard errors for this model, though my guess is that using the
bootstrap is easier. *****
If you have further questions, do not hesitate to ask.
Brian P. Poi, Ph.D.
Statistician, Stata Corporation
You wrote:
-----Begin Original Message-----
***** I need to run quantile regressions with instrumental variable
(i.e., I run an OLS regression with a set of instruments and use fitted
values in the quantile regression). It seems that, to do this, it is
necessary to adjust the standard errors for finite samples. Is there any
way to do this adapting the current code for the procedure? *****
Thank you,
Sergio G. Lazzarini
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