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Re: st: labelling issue

From   "Eric Uslaner" <>
To   <>
Subject   Re: st: labelling issue
Date   Fri, 12 Sep 2003 06:05:44 -0400

I have an Excel spreadsheet (someone else created it) with three worksheets.  Two have data sets that I have transferred by cutting and pasting into Stata and merging.  The third has four columns:  
Column 1:  variable name data set 1
Column 2: variable label data set 1
Column 3: variable name data set 2
Column 4: variable label data set 2
Is there a way to link the variable names and labels (by cutting and pasting?) into the merged data set without having to retype each of the labels?  I presume that you can't do all of this at once, if at all, but column by column would be great.
Many thanks,
Ric Uslaner

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