Dear all,
we have a study in which case farms were identified, then control farms were
matched to them on region and herd size (one control per case), and finally
between 5 and 13 cows per farm (depending on farm size) were randomly
enroled in the study.
In order to evaluate the association between several cow and herd level
variables and a binary (0/1) outcome variable, a logistic regression model
seems suitable. However, both the matching at farm level and the cluster
effect of several cows per farm in the study need to be considered in the
I am looking for some recommendations on how to tackle this analysis problem
Thanks for your advice - Regards Marcus
PD Dr. Marcus Doherr, Ph.D.
Dipl. ECVPH, FTA Epidemiologie
NeuroCenter & Abteilung Klinische Forschung
* Dept. Klinische Veterin�rmedizin, Universit�t Bern
Bremgartenstrasse 109A, Postfach, CH - 3001 Bern
* +41.31.631.2428 FAX ...2538
* [email protected]
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