Dear stata users,
I am trying to estimate the wage equations of public sector, private sector employees and self-employed individuals, while considering two types of selection. The first selection involves the choice of working versus non-working, and the second selection involves the choice among public sector jobs, private sector jobs and self-employment of the Lung-Fei Lee (1983), Econometrica, Vol 51, No2. type. I am just a beginner in stata programming. Would it be possible for you to explain to me how to do the whole exercise, or at least how to do the standard polychotomous choice selectivity model estimation described in Lung-Fei Lee's paper?
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Ralitza Dimova
LICOS, Catholic University of Leuven
Deberiotstraat 34, Leuven 3000, Belgium
Tel: +32 16 324549
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