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st: Re: findit vs net search

From   Christopher F Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: findit vs net search
Date   Sat, 30 Aug 2003 10:33:13 -0400

On Saturday, August 30, 2003, at 02:33 AM, Mark wrote:

-findit- runs both -search- and -net search-. -search- will find
a reference to -cdsimeq- if, and only if, you have -update-d
your Stata sufficiently recently to have the appropriate files
on your machine.
This isn't quite right. Here at the office I am running Stata 7:

. update

Stata executable
folder: N:\School\stata7\
name of file: wstata.exe
currently installed: 01 Feb 2002

- -findit- doesn't find it:

. findit cdsimeq
29 Aug 2003 15:59:05
Keyword search

Keywords: cdsimeq
Search: (1) Official help files, FAQs, and STBs
(2) Web resources from Stata and from other users

Search of official help files, FAQs, and STBs

Web resources from Stata and other users

no matches

(end of search)
This is indeed peculiar, and something which StataCorp should investigate. In my Stata 7, findit cdsimeq doesn't (as you show) but net search cdsimeq does locate it:

. net search cdsimeq

1 package found (Stata Journal and STB listed first)

st0038 from
SJ3-2 st0038. CDSIMEQ: A program to implement two-stage ... / CDSIMEQ: A
program to implement two-stage probit least squares / by Omar M.G. Keshk,
Ohio State University / Support: [email protected] / After installation,
type help cdsimeq

1 reference found in tables of contents
Stata Journal volume 3, issue 2 / Module to create plots for use with
multiple / significance tests / Exploring the use of variable bandwidth
kernel density / estimators / Adaptive kernel density estimation /
CDSIMEQ: A program to implement two-stage probit least / squares / Testing

I would have thought that findit should locate anything that net search does (e.g., both findit makematrix and net search makematrix locate this recent addition to SSC).


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