Thanks to Kit Baum, -vreverse- and -makematrix-
packages are now available on SSC for users
of Stata 8, as follows:
new: -vreverse-
To reverse existing categorical variables.
Discussed on Statalist 28 August 2003.
-vreverse- generates a new variable as a reversed copy of an existing
categorical variable which has integer values and value labels
assigned. Suppose that in the observations specified values vary
between minimum min and maximum max. Then values are mapped to
min + max - value and value labels are mapped accordingly. The new
variable will have the same storage type, display format, variable
label and characteristics. It is the user's responsibility to
consider whether the copied variable label and characteristics
also apply.
revised: -makematrix-
Announced on Statalist 26 August 2003. (Please
see posting in the archives.)
Bug fix and small improvements to help file.
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