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st: NetCourses 101 and 151

From   [email protected] (Shannon Driver, StataCorp)
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: NetCourses 101 and 151
Date   Tue, 26 Aug 2003 11:57:04 -0500

Stata will be offering sessions of NC-101 and NC-151 in a few weeks.  The
courses begin on September 12th and runs for 6 weeks.  The NetCourses are
taught on the Internet using a web-based system to deliver lectures, problem
sets, and solutions.  Course participants and Stata course leaders interact
through a message board to discuss the course and to ask and answer questions.

NC-101, Introduction to Stata

NC-101 is of particular interest to new Stata users.  Topics covered in NC-101

        o getting started with Stata 
        o understanding the fundamentals of Stata syntax
        o managing and organizing work and files
        o searching for new commands, help, and other information
        o installing new commands over the web
        o managing data
        o managing categorical variables
        o handing groups with -by- processing
        o reading various types of data into Stata
        o match-merging and appending data

Here are the particulars for NC-101.

        Title:           Introduction to Stata
        Start date:      September 12th
        Course length:   6 weeks
        Course leaders:  Allen McDowell, Derek Wagner and James Hassell
        Cost:            $95

NC-151, Introduction to Stata programming

The course focuses on how to use all of Stata's programming tools to
efficiently perform complex analysis.  Some of the topics covered include

        o  organizing analysis
        o  handling complex datasets 
        o  use of macros
        o  flow of control 
        o  program arguments
        o  bootstrapping standard errors
        o  performing simulations
        o  parsing program arguments (including the -syntax- command)
        o  ado-file programming

Here are the particulars for NC-151.

        NetCourse 151 (NC-151)

        Title:           Introduction to Stata Programming
        Start date:      September 12th
        Course length:   6 weeks
        Course leaders:  Allen McDowell and Kevin Crow
        Cost:            $125

You can find out more about Stata NetCourses, including detailed course
syllabuses and registration form, by pointing your web browser at

-- Shannon Driver
   Assistant Director of Technical Services, StataCorp
   [email protected]

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