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Re: st: newbie- syntax question

From   "Dimitriy V. Masterov" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: newbie- syntax question
Date   Tue, 26 Aug 2003 12:07:00 -0500 (CDT)

I think your problem could be fixed by omitting the quotes around the
word factor in the replace line. I made some fake data containing random
number (y1-y10 and string) and ran the following loop that worked.

In general, scalars do not need quotes around them.

local i=1
	while `i' <= `timeunits' {
        scalar factor = 10^(`timeunits' - `i')
        replace string = string+(factor*y`i')
        local i = `i' + 1

On Tue, 26 Aug 2003, Rio, Martin wrote:

> I am writing a code on stata 8 intecooled (win2k), and am running into what
> I guess is a syntax problem.
> As soon as the code gets to the loop below, it returns :
> *yb1 invalid name
> r(198);
> Te loop is:
> while `i' <= `timeunits' {
> 	scalar factor = 10^(`timeunits' - `i')
> 	replace string = string+(`factor'*y`i')
> 	local i = `i' + 1
> }
> I think the syntax error is in the way I try to multiply each variable (y1,
> y2, ..., y`timeunits') by the corresponding factor. The way I am setting it
> up seems consistent with other Stata commands that I have used, but I am no
> an expert on Stata syntax. I'd appreciate if someone could point out my
> error?
> Thanks
> Mart�n Rio
> Charles River Associates
> Washington, DC
> phone:	(202) 662-3957
> fax:	(202) 662-3910
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Dimitriy V. Masterov

Center for Social Program Evaluation
1155 East 60th St. Room 038
Chicago, IL 60637
Work: (773)256-6005
Fax: (773)256-6313

1312 East 53rd St., Apt.309
Chicago, IL 60615
Mobile: (773)220-2760

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