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st: RE: Towards publication quality output

From   Roger Newson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: RE: Towards publication quality output
Date   Fri, 22 Aug 2003 17:13:14 +0100

At 08:23 22/08/03 -0700, Bayard Webb wrote (in reply to Marcello Pagano):
As a new Stata user and a novice LaTeX user I have a related suggestion. I
have hunted down various utilities for producing a variety of output
suitable for inclusion in LaTeX documents, but the whole arrangement is less
than coherent. Combined with my amateur status, the prospect of publishing
the results of my work in Stata becomes overwhelming. A manual or book on
creating LaTeX documents with Stata output would be more than welcome.

My dream would be to have full support for LaTeX output and publication
included in Stata, fully documented and integrated into the menu and help
system. Second choice would be the availability of a book at the Stata
Bookstore that included a CD with a variety of ado and style files, examples
and other useful tidbits.

Am I the only one that feels overwhelmed? Is there wide support for this?
Personally, I would pay up to US$100 for a robust book with lots of goodies
on a CD.
The "whole arrangement" appears "less than coherent" because it has been put together by multiple members of the Stata community, each acting alone. However, in the absence of a book, you might like to read my own article "Confidence intervals and p-values for delivery to the end user", if you haven't already hunted it down. It is due shortly to appear in The Stata Journal, but a pre-publication draft can be downloaded from my website at
either using a browser or using the Stata command
net from
This article gives an account of converting Stata results to tables using the -listtex- package together with a suite of other packages. The -listtex- package is downloadable from SSC, and can create tables in a variety of formats, including TeX, LaTeX, HTML, or even a text form which can be converted to a table in Microsoft Word using the menu sequence
Table->Convert->Text to Table
The -listtex- package requires, as input, a Stata data set with 1 observation per table row. My article documents some programs for creating such data sets, and these can also be downloaded individually from SSC, although they will also soon be downloadable as a group from the Stata Journal software website at
Two other packages that might be useful for this are -xcontract- and -xcollapse-, downloadable from SSC, which produce Stata data sets of percentages and summary statistics, respectively. They are not mentioned in my article because they had not yet been written at the time.

I hope this helps.


Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
King's College London
5th Floor, Capital House
42 Weston Street
London SE1 3QD
United Kingdom

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