Is it possible (change the program) to get nearest to work with by ?
I can not find the answer in my NC151 notes.
Thank you
Benoit Dulong.
. set obs 100
obs was 0, now 100
. gen idrep = _n
. genpoisson n1, mu(20)
. genpoisson n2, mu(40)
. gen n = n1+n2
. expand n
(5917 observations created)
. sort idrep
. gen x = uniform()
. gen y = uniform()
. by idrep: nearest x y, id(idpoint) dist(h)
nearest may not be combined with by
end of do-file
program def nearest
*! NJC 1.1.0 10 January 2003
version 7
syntax varlist(min=2 max=2 numeric) [if] [in] , dist(str) [id(str)]
confirm new var `dist'
if "`id'" != "" {
confirm new var `id'
else local noid "*"
marksample touse
tokenize `varlist'
args x y
qui {
gen double `dist' = .
`noid' gen long `id' = .
tempname d
local n = _N
forval i = 1/`n' {
forval j = 1/`n' {
if `touse'[`i'] & `touse'[`j'] & (`i' != `j') {
scalar `d' = /*
*/ (`x'[`i'] - `x'[`j'])^2 + (`y'[`i'] - `y'[`j'])^2
if `d' < `dist'[`i'] {
replace `dist' = `d' in `i'
`noid' replace `id' = `j' in `i'
replace `dist' = sqrt(`dist')
`noid' compress `id'
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