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st: -estimates post- question

From   Mark Schaffer <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -estimates post- question
Date   Tue, 19 Aug 2003 23:21:02 +0100 (BST)

Hi everybody.  I've just discovered that -estimates post- in version 7 
seems to behave inconsistently when the covariance matrix being posted is 
not positive definite.  Sometimes it posts the matrix without complaint; 
other times it bombs out with error 506, "matrix not positive definite".  A 
demonsration is below.

Any ideas about why -est post- might accept some non-pd matrices and not 


* This covariance matrix is not positive definite,
* and -est post- will refuse to post it.

. mat list Vsave

symmetric Vsave[4,4]
                p           w           p       _cons
    p   .00649023
    w  -.00412379     .001033
  L.p  -.00480518   .00311278   .00541914
_cons   .15565638  -.03696101  -.14100874    1.592022

. mat list bsave

            p          w          p      _cons
y1  .19293435  .79621877  .08988469  16.236603

. matsqrt Vsave
matrix is not poisitive definite

. est post bsave Vsave
matrix not positive definite

* This matrix covariance matrix is also not positive definite,
* but -estimates post- will post it anyway.

. mat list Vsave2

symmetric Vsave2[4,4]
                p           w           p       _cons
    p   .02953177
    w   -.0035374   .00122606
  L.p  -.02182449   .00140922   .01935147
_cons  -.01117901  -.02100185    .0169305   1.0082315

. mat list bsave2

            p          w          p      _cons
y1  .01730217  .81018271  .21623384  16.554759

. matsqrt Vsave
matrix is not poisitive definite

. est post bsave2 Vsave2

. mat list e(V)

symmetric e(V)[4,4]
                p           w           p       _cons
    p   .02953177
    w   -.0035374   .00122606
  L.p  -.02182449   .00140922   .01935147
_cons  -.01117901  -.02100185    .0169305   1.0082315



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