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[no subject]
It is in alpha status and the code has not been released to the public yet.

Does anyone know of any other packages?

Best wishes.

Daniel R. Sabath
Daniel R. Sabath M.Sc.   Research Consultant
 Dept. of Surgery              325 Ninth Ave 
 Harborview Injury Prevention     Box 359960
   and Research Center     Seattle, WA 98104
 [email protected]     (206) 521-1549           


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Scott Talkington
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 1:26 PM
To: Statalist
Subject: st: Question about match merge on name

I wonder if anyone on the list has advice about matching two databases on
first, last and middle name and birth date (as well as gender and race). The
size of the two files is around 400,000 observations (although they aren't
matched 1 to 1) so correction of misspellings, transpositions, etc. by
inspection is sort of ruled out.  I have done some editing by searching for
breaks or spaces in the name field that might be name extensions like "JR."
etc, and have also transformed the name fields in both files to upper case.
I then did a match on the 3 initials plus birth date, and have identified
the subset of matches where at least the last name and birth date are

However, I suspect there are quite a few more matches to be gleaned.  Are
there utilities that can facilitate this process?  Any tricks and tips?

[email protected]

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